Principal Message

At least the sun was shining on Monday for our Athletics Carnival, although it was rather chilly. It was wonderful to see so many students competing and having a go. I think the junior boys and girls had 23 heats each for the 200m. The great teamwork and organisation by our athletics team meant we were still able to finish the carnival on time. These events don't happen without you. Thank you! Thank you also, to our wonderful parents and community members who helped out on the day. It is fantastic having you work side by side at these events. We did, however, experience a setback with students who had not been granted permission to attend. All forms must be completed by the cutoff date to avoid disappointment. Organisation of class lists, medication, and supervision are all done once the cutoff date is reached. Last-minute changes cause significant stress to students and staff. Please make sure permission is given on time.

What a great week for performing. Not only did we have the athletics carnival, but our wonderful Stage 2 and Stage 3 Dance Groups performed at the Synergy Dance Festival at Penrith. The groups had a day rehearsal on Wednesday and performed Wednesday evening and have performed in a matinee today. They have worked so hard and a huge thanks to Miss Brown and Miss Ross for choreographing and organising the groups. These events do not happen overnight or without significant time and organisation. Thank you to the parents for supporting this event and attending the performance.

We regularly have students coming to the front office and requesting risk assessments for minor, and sometimes even old injuries. If your child requires a risk assessment, please contact our office staff and provide medical advice from a doctor. I think that on some occasions, our students like a ride in the lift.

Now that all our gates are automated, they are locked throughout the day. When you are buzzed in and out by our office ladies, please make sure you are closing the gate properly when you enter and exit. Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Have a lovely weekend.

Lisa Crawford


Please make sure you are providing explanations for student absences. These must be provided to the school within 7 days of an absence. You will receive an SMS message if your child is absent. A response to this with the reason for the absence is all we need for our records. Alternatively, you can use the digital absence form on School Enews.

Upcoming Events

June 24 Dudley Foord Resident Visit

June 25 Year 6 Aspire Higher & Kindy 2025 Parent Information Session

June 26 Band Performance 5pm

June 27 Spelling Bee

July 3 NAIDOC Day & P&C Meeting

July 4 Year 6 Mufi Day Fundraiser

Jull 5 Last Day of Term 2

02 8882 9480
85 The Ponds Boulevard, The Ponds NSW 2769