Principal Message

It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of term, and we will have school holidays before we know it. 5 more days!

It was wonderful meeting many new Kindergarten 2025 parents on Tuesday night and seeing many familiar faces. We look forward to partnering with all of you in your child's educational journey.

Next week, we will be celebrating NAIDOC Week. The theme for 2024 is 'Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud'. Skye, Miss Ross, our Aboriginal Education Team and our Gunggung Group students have all been working hard in preparation for our celebration and learning experiences on Wednesday. Students are encouraged to wear an Indigenous shirt, or something red, black or yellow. I'm sure it is going to be a very exciting and creative day for all our students. 

Thank you for keeping your child at home if they are unwell. There are still many students and staff who have been struggling with illness this term. I hope the upcoming holidays allow for some rest and recuperation, to get everyone healthy again.

I hope you all have a great weekend.

Lisa Crawford

Public Speaking

On Wednesday, JPPS held the local final for the Multicultural Public Speaking. Seven schools were represented by students from Stages 2 and 3. Congratulations to Hassan and Ishani for representing JPPS in the Stage 2 final, and Lucy and Jayesh in the Stage 3 final. This is such a wonderful achievement. 

Upcoming Events

Wed July 3- NAIDOC Celebration: Wear an Indigenous jersey, or red, black and yellow

Wed July 3- P&C 7 pm

Thurs July 4- Yr6 Fundraiser- PJ Mufti Day- Gold coin donation

Fri July 5- Last Day of Term 2 (no Winter PSSA)

Tues July 23 - First Day of Term 2

Aug 5 - Aug 9 Public Education Week - more information to come early next term

02 8882 9480
85 The Ponds Boulevard, The Ponds NSW 2769