A blue and yellow shield with a plane and a tree and a house

Description automatically generatedHelping our children with the language we use.

Please help your child/ren start the day in a positive and encouraging manner by using these phrases at school drop off:

  • Make good choices.
  • Be a PAX leader today.
  • Can’t wait to hear about what you learn today.
  • Be kind to yourself and others.
  • Make yourself proud.
  • Find something good about a friend or classmate and tell them.
  • I love you!

At school pick up try to use these phrases:

  • Tell me about something you learnt today.
  • Tell me about a kind thing you did for someone or said to someone today.
  • Tell me about something funny that happened today?
  • What did you do that made you proud?

As adults, we all know that not every day is going to be a great day. We need to help our children look for the positive and not dwell on the negative. We need to support our children develop strategies that help them grow into amazing citizens and adults who have great opportunities available to them.

Georges Hall Public School
Address: 16 Pennington Ave Georges Hall NSW 2198
Phone: 02 9707 1988
Email: georgeshal-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: georgeshal-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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