GHPS Harmony Day 

Friday 21st  March 2025

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

During Week 8 our school will be taking part in activities and events to celebrate Harmony Day. Harmony Week is celebrated from Monday to Sunday and is dedicated to celebrating Australia's rich multicultural heritage. Harmony Week celebrates Australia’s cultural diversity. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. This year,  the theme is “Harmony- We all Have a Role to Play.” Throughout the week students will be participating in activities in their classroom. 

Our whole school event to celebrate Harmony Day will be held on Friday 21st March. The following activities will take place on the day:


Students can come to school in Mufti and are encouraged to wear the following: Orange for Harmony Day/Harmony Day T-shirts or cultural dress.

Activities with Buddy Class

Students will participate in activities with their buddy class designed around Harmony Day. Classes will work together  to create a poster around the theme - “We all have a role to play at Georges Hall”. The completed posters will be displayed in the hall and around the school. 

Canteen treats

The canteen will also be selling orange inspired treats at lunch and recess. 

Georges Hall Public School
Address: 16 Pennington Ave Georges Hall NSW 2198
Phone: 02 9707 1988

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