Annual General Meeting - 23rd March 2021 - 6:30pm - School Hall @ Brookvale Public School

Hi All!

Please find attached all the relative documentation following notification of our AGM to be held onsite on the 23rd March 2021.

  • AGM Agenda
  • Minutes from previous AGM
  • Presidents AGM Report
  • Audited Financials
  • BPS P&C Guidelines and Annual Plan for 2021 to be adopted
  • Nomination form

Nominations are still open and we welcome any and all to join us either as a member, volunteer or joining the executive team or subcommittee. Nomination forms are attached and will be available on the night. If you wish to nominate but cannot attend, please send them via return email.

Please RSVP your attendance and arrived promptly for a 6:30pm start it would be greatly appreciated.

COVID Safety is critical so please ensure you check in via the QR code on arrival and sanitise your hands.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Please circulate to other parents and families of the school. This is great way make connections face to face and also have a look around at the new facilities 🙂 

Kind Regards,

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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