Dance Resumes Tomorrow 21/4/21

Good afternoon all,

I hope you had a safe and happy Easter break!
Please note that dance resumes tomorrow morning at 8:00am in the school hall.

We have two dance competitions coming up this term- they are as follows (I will provide more details closer to the date)

* IRBD Dance Comp held at Pittwater House School, Collaroy. Saturday 29th May from 8:45am. 

* Extreme Dance Comp held at Abbotsleigh- Wahrooonga- Sunday 20th June from 9:45am. 


We will do our best to offer additional rehearsals within school lunch and recess hours to prepare the girls for these competitions. Please assist them in allowing them to rehearse at home each week as well!

Thank you as always for your continued support!

Nat Kovacs.

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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