Election Day Fundraising BBQ

Good afternoon, parents and carers,

With options for fundraising slim this year, we are lucky to be hosting the Local Council elections at Brookvale Public School on 4th December 2021.

 We are calling for volunteers from all years of the school to assist with a shift or two either cooking or serving at our bbq fundraising stall. Each shift is 2 hours and you can vote while you’re there! 😀

 This works out to 6-8 volunteers per stage. Mums, Dads and grandparents welcome!

 If you aren’t free, we’d appreciate a donation of bakery items to sell at the cake stall. These can be dropped to the school in the morning. Notes will also be sent home.

 The funds raised will support vital programs within the school that don’t fit within regular budget.


To sign up as a volunteer, go to: https://www.trybooking.com/BVHZE





Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168
Email: brookvale-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: brookvale-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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