Summer PSSA

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Summer PSSA (eagle tag for both boys and girls) will start again this Friday. Please see the attached document for Summer PSSA dates. In order for schools to secure bus bookings, we have had to make a few changes:


  • Games will now start at 12.30pm and finish by 2pm. We will be leaving school at 12pm and returning around 2.15pm
  • All boys games will take place at Millers Reserve and all girls games will take place at David Thomas.
  • Junior games will start at 12.30pm and Senior games at approximately 1:05pm
  • All students will need hats, sunscreen and an extra drink.


  • Training will start this Friday at 8am at school. Students should be at school no earlier that 7.55am. 
  • There will be no training next week in Week 10. Training will recommence on Friday of Term 4 Week 1.

All communication regarding cancellations to training and games will be made via the School Enews App.

Peter Gray & Natalie Kovacs

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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