PSSA 14.10.22

Dear Parents/ Carers,

At the moment, PSSA games and training will be going ahead tomorrow. We are forecast for some rain though, so please ensure that students come with wet weather gear.

A few remainders: 


  • Games will now start at 12.30pm and finish by 2pm. We will be leaving school at 12pm and returning around 2.15pm
  • All boys games will take place at Millers Reserve and all girls games will take place at David Thomas.
  • Junior games will start at 12.30pm and Senior games at approximately 1:05pm
  • All students will need hats, sunscreen and an extra drink.


  • Training will start again this Friday at 8am at school. Students should be at school no earlier that 7.55am. 

Peter Gray & Natalie Kovacs

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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