How to join BPS P&C Association

Dear BPS families,

Our Parents (P&C) Association's AGM is coming up next week, on Tuesday 19th March, and we would love to get as many members as possible!

To become a P&C member, simply register via this link. Membership is only $2 per person per year.

What is the role of P&C Association?

To give parents an opportunity to learn about school policies & programs.

To provide a voice for parents & students by maintaining positive relationships between the P&C and the school.

To organise social events to build a strong sense of community.

To raise funds & provide additional resources for the benefit of every students.


How can you help?

You can help as much and as little as you want and can do. P&C values ANY help.

Do you have a spare hour or two to help at the uniform shop? or volunteer for one of the fundraising events? Please join!

Being a P&C member entitles you to vote on issues at the P&C Meetings and at the election of P&C positions at our upcoming AGM. 

If you would like to know more about our P&C Association, please feel free to email us at or by consulting our 2024 P&C Handbook

We look forward to count you as a member!

Warm regards,

Brookvale PS P&C Association

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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