Evacuation drill

Emergency Evacuation Drill

Dear parents and carers,

In line with the Department of Education’s Health and Safety policy it is a requirement that all NSW DoE schools practice and review their emergency procedures every year.

At Brookvale Public School, we hold emergency drills once a term to familiarise our staff and students with the procedures. This involves evacuation and lockdown procedures. These procedures have been developed to assist in making schools safer and to ensure the safety of students, staff and the community when responding to a variety of emergency situations. All staff and students are aware of these procedures. Evaluations are conducted after every practice to refine our school’s practices and improve the safety of all students and staff.

We held a Evacuation drill today to practice our Emergency procedures. 

Our school’s Emergency Management Plan is very comprehensive, aligned to DOE policies and procedures and has recently been reviewed by the DoE Health and Safety Directorate. As always, should you have any questions about these procedures, please contact us at school to discuss further. 

Kind regards,

Mr Richmond


Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168
Email: brookvale-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: brookvale-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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