Athletics Carnival 4/4/24

Good morning Parents  & Carers, 

We look forward to a very exciting day at the school athletics carnival tomorrow. 

The day will be held at ES Marks- Centennial Park. Students must be at school, before the school bell ready to leave as the busses will be leaving at 8.50am. We will be unable to wait for late students so those who miss the bus will be placed in the K-2 classes remaining at school. 

Please note- the event will be going ahead regardless of the weather. Please ensure students pack appropriate wet weather gear in the event of likely rain (please no umbrellas- raincoats instead).

There is no canteen available at the venue so please ensure students have their recess, crunch & sip and lunch packed as well as a full water bottle and school hat. Students may wish to wear a shirt the colour of their school house group, but please ensure school sport shorts are worn. 

I have attached the program for the day, please note all times are approximate and we will be running events as quickly as possible to ensure we make it through a very busy schedule. Students need to listen to the announcements as events will not be rerun for students missing their race or age group. 

There is a list of students events entered at the end of the program, please note that any amendments such as any accepted late entries or changed/cancelled events may not be reflected as this program was organised prior to today. 

As noted, the biggest change this year is there will be no finals run for the 100m and 200m races. This is due to the time constraints and needing to be finished on time to make the bus timetabling. All heats will be timed and places will be awarded on the overall 3 fastest times across all heats based on age and distances. 

We look forward to a fantastic day and an adventure out to a new venue. 

Many thanks for your support. 

Nat Kovacs

Brookvale Public School
Address: Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale NSW 2100
Phone: 02 9905 4168

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