Term 4 Updated Guidelines

Dear Parents,

Attached are the Term 4 Guidelines from the Department of Education relating to Covid-19. Further information will be sent home early next term relating to school events, such as, Year 6 Farewell and Presentation, Stage 3 Camp, Year 7 Transition to High School and Kindergarten Orientation. Our morning drop off and afternoon pick up procedures will continue in Term 4. 

Morning Drop Off

  • Students may be dropped off at the Auburn St OR Miller St entrance 
  • Staff supervision at Auburn St entrance only, however playground supervision is in place at this time for students
  • Parents are not able to come on site (as per the current guidelines), except to visit the school office via the Auburn St gate

Afternoon Pick Up

  • Bus and walkers will leave via the usual Auburn St gate
  • Students with surnames A-L, will exit via the Auburn St gates
  • Students with surnames M-Z, will exit via the Miller St gate (students not collected promptly will be taken to the front verandah to wait)
  • Parents are reminded that there are 'No Parking' signs on both streets

You are reminded to:

  • Adhere to the physical distancing requirement of 1.5m. Additional markers and signage are being placed on our boundary fence as a reminder.  
  • Be patient and drive with caution when approaching and leaving the school. 
  • Practice safe pedestrian safety. 

Health and Safety:

  • Students who are unwell, should remain at home. 
  • If displaying even the mildest flu-like symptoms, students MUST be tested before returning to school (symptom free) and provide evidence of a negative test result. 

Coniston Public School
Address: Auburn St Coniston NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4229 1117
Email: coniston-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: coniston-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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