Rapid antigen tests and collection

Dear Parents / Carers

Our rapid antigen tests for all students Kindergarten - Year 6 are available for distribution at the following times:

  • Friday 28 January 1:30 – 3:30pm.
  • Monday 31 January 9:00am – 3:00pm.

One parent/carer only is permitted to collect the kit – please do not send in your child. Please do not come to school if you are unwell in any way or displaying any symptoms of COVD-19. If possible, please do not bring your children with you.

The kits are available from our school hall. 

Please enter the school grounds via the Auburn St gate, signing in with the Services NSW School Check-in code. If you cannot do this, visit our Administration Office to sign in. You must wear a mask and distance 1.5m from others whilst on school grounds.

Continue walking ahead then onto the asphalt until you reach the hall. The glass sliding door will be open. A staff member will issue you with your child’s kits. Leave immediately via the same route, checking out as you go.

It is recommended that your child be tested at home on the first day they attend school each week, and then a second time two days later. For next week, that is Tuesday and Thursday for Years 1-6 and Wednesday and Friday for Kindergarten. In the weeks following, Monday and Wednesday are the preferred days.

Additional information accompanies this post.

We look forward to seeing our students next week.

Coniston Public School
Address: Auburn St Coniston NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4229 1117
Email: coniston-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: coniston-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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