Athletics Program - Got Game 2024

As part of our Physical Education program for term 1, 2024 all students will be participating in a specialised athletics program each Friday. The Athletics program, run by Got Game, is curriculum aligned and designed to increase student confidence and capability within the athletics events of running, jumping and throwing in preparation for their school carnival to be held on Friday 12 April at Beaton Park.  Students will refine movements with control, height, distance, speed and accuracy. They will learn about safe movement practice and the specific safety and technical points of each event. Students will explore competitive and non-competitive activities whilst demonstrating interpersonal skills and relationships. 

Lessons will commence Friday Week 1, 2 February. The cost of the program will be $20 per student. A detailed note will be sent home when students return in 2024. 

Coniston Public School
Address: Auburn St Coniston NSW 2500
Phone: 02 4229 1117

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