School Infrastructure Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to update you on an item discussed at the last P&C meeting. As you are aware, the school’s electrical switchboard will need to be upgraded before the installation of additional air conditioners for the classrooms.

The school is on the list for the Cooler Classrooms Program (Round 2). The program includes funding for the electrical switchboard upgrade and the air conditioning units. The program has prioritised schools based on temperature data to ensure that air conditioning is installed in schools that have the highest need.

Schools that have been approved in round 2 of the Cooler Classrooms Program are in progress. Remaining projects will be prioritised should further funding become available. We have just been advised that Haberfield Public School is not on the priority list.

The Department of Education will not pay for the upgrade unless it is part of the Cooler Classrooms Program.  

Therefore, to expediate the process, we have decided to utilise school funds. This decision was communicated to the P&C at the last meeting.

We have made an application to the Department of Education, Asset Management Unit for a self-funded project for air conditioners, including an electrical switchboard upgrade.

We will keep you updated as the application progresses.

Kind regards,

Karlynne Jacobsen



Haberfield Public School
Address: Bland Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Phone: 02 9798 8767

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