Haberfield Briefings

Dear Haberfield Families,

We are resuming our old weekly school briefings as a way to keep our community informed of everything that is going on. 

These used to go out prior to our move to SWAY newsletters and Class Dojo (both of which will continue).

These briefings will cover important information on school practices and procedures along with key dates for the week ahead. 

To access our first edition, please click on the link below. 


We hope you find this information useful. 

Kind regards,

Karlynne Jacobsen



Haberfield Public School
Address: Bland Street Haberfield NSW 2045
Phone: 02 9798 8767
Email: haberfield-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: haberfield-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/

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