2021 Mother\'s Day Stall

Dear Parents/Carers,

The P&C is organising a Mother’s Day Stall to be held on Wednesday 5th May.

All gifts will be $5.00 each.

This is an exciting time for the children who enjoy choosing and purchasing a gift for their loved one all on their own.  

Please send a bag for your child to place their gift in on the day as we no longer supply them (their library bag is a suggestion).

Please DO NOT send money in prior to the date.  

There are 2 options for purchasing gifts this year:

  • [PREFERRED METHOD] Pre-pay for your gift via your Cashless account (with the same login details you use for the canteen).

For parents that do not hold a Cashless account, you can create an account by visiting www.cashless.school

  • Click on the tab Get Started
  • Complete all the appropriate details
  • Please note, by creating an account, you are able to make future purchases relating to school events (please note events do not incur the usual $0.29 fee)
  • You will need to Top Up your child’s account to make the purchase
  • Once in your child’s account, click the Event tab

Please note: online orders will close Monday 3rd May at 5.00pm

Your child can bring money with them to the stall on the day.

If your child has missed out on purchasing a gift on the Wednesday, or they would like to purchase an additional gift, they will be given an opportunity to purchase before school on Friday 7th May (8.30am-9am) outside the hall.  Please note: it will be CASH ONLY purchases on Friday.

Would you like to volunteer to help on the day?

Help will be needed between 8.30am and 11am. It is great fun watching the children make their important selections!

Please advise via jppsvolunteers01@gmail.com if you are able to help.

NOTE: All volunteers MUST have completed their 100 point ID check with the school office prior to the event, to meet Working With Children obligations.

Regards (on behalf of the P&C),

Michelle Tipton, Nicole Vella, Kimberlee Bishop, Katrina Hoult


John Palmer Public School
Address: 85 The Ponds Boulevard The Ponds NSW 2769
Phone: 02 8882 9480
Email: johnpalmer-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: johnpalmer-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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