Ridges Athletics Carnival Reminders

  • Students are to meet Mr Pleffer and Miss Browne under the COLA at 7:15 am sharp.
  • Students should wear the full JPPS sports uniform and bring the JPPS hat.
  • Recess and lunch are to be packed in a small bag along with plenty of water.
  • Spikes may be worn in sprint events only and are the responsibility of the student.
  • Parents/carers wishing to take their child from the carnival early are to sign out with Mr Pleffer.
  • There is a slight chance of rain tomorrow so students may wish to bring a wet weather jacket or a small towel.

John Palmer Public School
Address: 85 The Ponds Boulevard The Ponds NSW 2769
Phone: 02 8882 9480
Email: johnpalmer-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: johnpalmer-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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