Check-in assessment for Years 3-6

Dear Parents and Carers, 

During Term 3, students will participate in the Check-in assessment. 

The Check-in assessment is a NSW Department of Education online literacy and numeracy assessment available to support schools to assess and monitor student learning. 

The assessment can supplement existing school practices to identify how students are performing in literacy and numeracy and to help teachers tailor their teaching more specifically to student needs. Students with a disability may receive the same level of support during the assessment they would normally receive in the classroom. 

  • The assessment will be scheduled for our Years 3-6 students during Weeks 6 to 9 (Monday 26th September to Friday 20th September)    

  • All students will complete a reading assessment and a numeracy assessment. Year 6 students will also participate in a writing assessment.  

Students are asked to bring headphones or earbuds that plug into a computer to enable them to hear audio during the assessment. Please ensure they are clearly labelled with their name and class, and placed in a ziplock bag for safekeeping. 


Mrs C Escobar


John Palmer Public School
Address: 85 The Ponds Boulevard The Ponds NSW 2769
Phone: 02 8882 9480

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