3-way interviews

This year we are introducing 3-way interviews between teacher, parent and student.

3-way interviews are scheduled for Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April between 3:10 and 6:00pm. Students are expected to attend with their parent. Bookings will be made through the Sental app. Look out for instructions next week.

How are 3-way interviews different from parent teacher interviews?

  • 3-way interviews involve the student in a discussion about their growth/progress as a learner
  • the student can provide information to clarify what they have learnt, what the next steps are in their learning and what progress they are making towards this

Why 3-way interviews?

  • they provide student voice to discussions about achievement and progress.
  • they place the student at the centre of the assessment and reporting process
  • they strengthen the home-school partnership and allow students to see their parents and teacher working together

The 10 minute 3-way interview will be structured very similarly to Let Me Show You What I’ve Learnt [LMSYWIL]. There will be a student-centred discussion where students will discuss two work samples. Parents will be provided with guiding questions. After the work samples have been shared there will be a teacher led discussion. Your child’s teacher will discuss your child’s strengths and how they will support your child with their next steps in learning. The teacher will discuss your child’s social development and behaviour and will provide time for any questions at the end.

We see this as a valuable avenue for engaging parents and students in the learning process and helping parents understand the teaching, learning, assessment and reporting processes.

Whole class Let Me Show You What I’ve Learnt will take place in terms 2, 3 and 4.

  • Wednesday 26 June at 2:30pm
  • Monday 23 September at 2:30pm
  • Thursday 5 December at 9:00am

A formal written report on your child’s learning will be provided at the end of term 2 and term 4.

Greg Weeks


Newington Public School
Address: Newington Boulevarde Newington NSW 2127
Phone: 02 9748 7933
Email: newington-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: newington-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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