Tomorrow: P&C Mufti Day & Year 5 Bake Stall

Tomorrow:  P&C Mufti Day & Year 5 Bake Stall

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please note that tomorrow we have two P&C events occurring!

1. Mufti Day:  Wear your favourite sporting jersey or colours of your favourite sporting team!

Please remember to bring a gold coin as all funds raised will go towards the school.

While no uniform is required, please remember that students need to have a hat and wear enclosed shoes.

2. Year 5 Bake Stall:

It is Year 5's turn to host the bake stall this week!  Please provide your child with a small amount of change so that they don't miss out on the delicious treats!

Thank you for your support,

NPS P&C Executive Team


Newington Public School
Address: Newington Boulevarde Newington NSW 2127
Phone: 02 9748 7933

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