Dear Parents and Carers


Junior Choir


Dates have been finalised for the rehearsal and concerts times for Junior Choir parents to  place on their calendars. 

The dates are as follows:

  • 1/2 day at Illawong Public School- Fri 3rd April
  • 1/2 day at Illawong Public School Fri 26 June
  • 1/2 day dress rehearsal Sutherland Entertainment Centre Fri 14th August
  • Concert Sutherland Entertainment Centre 7pm Mon 17th August.


Please ensure all permission slips, payments and codes of conduct are returned by Thursday March 19..


You will be informed once the link to ticket sales is available.


Remember to provide Mrs Dobosz a USB if you would like a copy of the music. The junior choir will be learning Part B of the script.


Kind regards,

Kate Dobosz

Sans Souci Public School
Address: Rocky Point Rd Sans Souci NSW 2219
Phone: 02 9529 6123

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