Best Start Kindergarten Assessment

Dear parents and carers,

The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment will take place at our school in Term 1.

The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment is a state-wide assessment that helps show teachers the

literacy and numeracy skills of each student at the beginning of Kindergarten. This helps teachers

to plan lessons to best support the learning needs of every child.

Children come to school with a range of experiences, skills and abilities. Some are familiar with

books, can recognise letters of the alphabet or even write their name or count to ten, while others

have not yet learned these skills.

The Best Start Kindergarten Assessment provides teachers with the opportunity to sit with a child

one on one, focusing on what that child can do.

The assessment is not a test but provides teachers with useful information to help support your

child’s learning at school. If you wish to withdraw your child from participating in the assessment,

please contact the school.

The attached information sheet provides further information on the Best Start Kindergarten


Please contact the school if you have any questions regarding the Best Start Kindergarten


Telephone Interpreter Service

If you need an interpreter to assist you to contact the school, please call the Telephone Interpreter

Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language. The interpreter will call the school

and will stay on the line to assist with the conversation. You will not be charged for this service.

Steve J McAlister


Jindabyne Public School
Address:  Park Road Jindabyne NSW 2627
Phone:  02 6456 2346

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