Kindergarten Face to Face Orientation FINAL REMINDER

Dear parents and caregivers,

On Tuesday 30 November we will be having our face to face Kindergarten Orientation from 9:30 - 11 am. We are very excited to finally welcome your child to our school. On the day, your child will get to experience the Kindergarten classrooms, engage in play with their new peers, listen to a story and complete a short activity with the current Kindergarten teachers. The children can wear comfortable clothes and they may like to bring a small labelled drink bottle. 

On the day, we ask that just one parent or caregiver drops the child off. Proof of vaccination will be requested upon check in. Please enter via the Freya Street pedestrian entrance, sign in and make your way to the K-2 quadrangle. Here your child will select their name badge and they will head up to the Kindergarten classrooms. Please leave your child promptly as we tend to find this helps the children settle more quickly. Due to COVID restrictions parents and carers are not permitted to remain on site. 

Upon drop off or pick up you will be able to pick up your child's welcome pack and any pre-purchased uniforms or bags you have ordered from the collection tables located in the K-2 quadrangle. 

We ask that all parents and caregivers adhere to strict COVID-19 protocols: 

- If you or your child are displaying flu or cold symptoms please do not attend the orientation.

- Only one parent enters the school grounds to drop off and pick up the child. This helps us to limit the amount of people on site.

- Please wear a mask when on the school grounds. 

- Maintain social distancing when lining up or entering and exiting the school.

- Once your child is dropped off please leave the grounds promptly. We understand this can be very difficult but please be assured your child is in very safe hands and we will contact you if there is a problem.

- At pick up time, please wait in the quadrangle and not near the classroom. This can be distracting for the children. 

We are required to have these strict procedures in place to ensure we keep all children, staff and families safe. We thank you in advance for adhering to them.

Please don't hesitate to contact the School Office on 9528 5444 for further inquiries.

Kind regards, 

Michelle Couloumbis

Kareela Public School
Address: Freya St Kareela NSW 2232
Phone: 02 9528 5444

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