Kindergarten 2023 Transition to School Program

Dear Parents/Carers

A reminder that our Kindergarten 2023 Transition to School Program commences this Thursday morning.

The dates for Transition to School are:

  • Thursday 20 October 2022, 9.30am - 11.00am: Transition to School morning 1
  • Thursday 27 October 2022, 9.30am - 11.00am: Transition to School morning 2
  • Thursday 3 November 2022, 9.30am - 11.00am: Transition to School morning 3

Please enter the school via the Freya Street pedestrian gate where you will be met by the school captains and/or Year 5 buddies. Registration will occur in the small quad adjacent to the school office. 

If your child is unable to attend any of these dates, please advise the school office .

Kind regards

Miss Gill-Vaughan

Assistant Principal

Kareela Public School
Address: Freya St Kareela NSW 2232
Phone: 02 9528 5444

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