DANCE Information Term 3

Dear parents/carers,

NO Dance lessons this week

  • A reminder there are NO dance lessons in Week 1 (this week). We will resume lessons for the term from next week in Week 2 and continue until the end of term (Week 10).

Open Day in Week 3

  • ALL dance groups will be performing at our Open Day event in Week 3. An overview of costume/hairstyle requirements will be sent this week.

Schools Spectacular Expression of Interest

  • Thank you to all those who expressed interest in our 2024 Schools Spectacular dance team. Please note that an audition style lesson will be held in our normal lessons in Week 3 for the Year 4 and Stage 3 dance groups ONLY, in response to the interest shown. A reminder to register your interest for this team if you have not already done so. Selections will only be made based on the completion of this form:

  • All additional information has been provided and can be reviewed here:

  • We endeavour to share the news of our selected team by the end of Week 3 to ensure all parents/carers have enough time to purchase tickets to the event and make any other necessary plans. 

We thank you for your support and look forward to an exciting term of dance at KPS!

Kind regards,

Mrs Holden

Dance Coordinator

Kareela Public School
Address: Freya St Kareela NSW 2232
Phone: 02 9528 5444

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