Literacy & Numeracy Week - PARENTS/CARERS SECRET VIDEO

Dear parents/carers,

Next week is 'Literacy and Numeracy Week'! 

  • 'Literacy is the ability to understand and evaluate meaning through reading, writing, listening and speaking, viewing and representing (NSW Literacy K–12 policy, 2007).'
  • 'Numeracy involves using mathematical ideas effectively to participate in daily life and make sense of the world. It incorporates the use of numerical, spatial, graphical, statistical and algebraic concepts and skills in a variety of contexts and involves the critical evaluation, interpretation, application and communication of mathematical information in a range of practical situations.

Literacy and Numeracy Week is a great time to celebrate our achievements in developing literacy and numeracy skills through the new curriculum.


We would love to put together a 'secret video message' for our students to show in all our classes next week that features our parents/carers in their workplace/everyday lives sharing how they use Literacy and Numeracy (see example video HERE).

If you would love to be a part of it, please record yourself sharing how you use Literacy and Numeracy in your daily lives/occupation and send in your video via 'WeTransfer' using the following details:

Email to:

Your email: _______________________

Title: KPS Literacy/Numeracy

(Please note the video you upload cannot be larger than 2GB) - SEE IMAGE BELOW.

Connecting learning to our world is so important for children of all ages. We know our students will LOVE seeing the familiar faces of their parents/carers on the big screen in our classrooms. 

The link below also provides you with some creative and engaging ways you can include Literacy and Numeracy focused activities at home with your child/ren: Literacy & Numeracy Week 'at home' Activities

As always, we thank you for the valuable role you play in supporting your child/ren's learning.

Mrs Bree Holden

Relieving Assistant Principal, Curriculum and Instruction 

Kareela Public School
Address: Freya St Kareela NSW 2232
Phone: 02 9528 5444

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