Term 3 end of term newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Please see attached the bumper issue- end of term newsletter. It includes:

*Important dates including save the dates and first day back of term for students- 9 October

*Principal's message- Strictly Live, Book week, Canteen, Parental duty of care, School holiday site safety, Antibullying, Gifts for teachers, Holiday ideas

*School news- Year 5 leadership process, Lost property

*Award recipients


*Tell them From Me survey 

* P & C news- Appreciation note, Strictly Live, Canteen and volunteers needed, Camping weekend, October meeting, Carols Night, Carols night singers wanted

*Other advertisements

Wishing you and your family a safe and happy school holiday break.

Take care

Kind regards

Ms Megan Bridekirk


Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791
Email: eppinghts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: eppinghts-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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