Term 4 Wk 8 newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Please find attached our most recent newsletter. 

It contains:

  • Important dates and link to parent planner. 
  • Principal's message- SRC disco, P & C thanks and Carols Night
  • School news- Presentation Day (tomorrow), SRE teacher news, Gifts for teachers, Staffing update
  • Award recipients
  • Additional school photos, SRC report
  • P & C- Second hand uniform shop, School lunch service, New P & C executive team, Harmony Day concert planning
  • Carols Night photos

Wishing you a lovely evening. 

Kind regards

Ms Bridekirk


Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791
Email: eppinghts-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: eppinghts-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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