Back to school

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We are excited to see our Years 1-6 students return to school next Thursday and Kindergarten next Friday. The Executive Team, teachers, support staff and I are working hard to ensure we are ready with wonderful, engaging experiences for our students. 

A few school reminders:

*Students in Years 1- 6 return Thursday 1st February. 

*Playground supervision from 8:35a.m. Classes start at 9:05a.m and end at 3:05p.m. 

*Students should line up at the same place they did at the end of 2023. Please make a place to meet your child after school as they will move rooms during the day. 

*Please explain to your child that he/she will go back into their 'old' 2023 class for a period of time on the first day. Then they will move to their new TEMPORARY class. Information will be sent home on day one about temporary classes and new classrooms. 

For resources to support your child's transition back to school please visit

Going to school (

Back to school tips for parents (

Self-care tips for parents and carers (

Using apps for mental wellbeing (

*Our new 2024 Kindergarten students start at 10:00 am on Friday 2 February. They will attend 10:00 am-3:05pm from 2/2/24 - 9/2/24. From Monday 12th February Kinder start at 9:05am.  

For resources to support your child's transition to big school please visit 

Going to school (

Activities to prepare your child for primary school (

Daisy's First Day (

Kindergarten: Preparing your child (

Please see attached the list of things your child needs to bring to school. Please ensure they are labelled with their name. 

*Our Office is open Wednesday 31st January from 8:45a.m.  

To enrol at our school please visit Enrolment - Epping Heights Public School (

We look forward to seeing you and your child soon. 

Kind regards

Ms Megan Bridekirk


Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791

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