Kindergarten start tomorrow

1 more sleep!!!

Dear Kinder parents & carers, 

We are so excited that your child will be joining us tomorrow (2/2/24) to start their learning journey at our school. We hope that you have been talking with your child about this special event and working through our ‘Countdown to Kindergarten’ calendar during the month of January.

It is really important that both parents and any grandparents who may pick up your child from school this year are signed up for e-news. This is our main way of communicating with families. If information changes during the day or if there is an emergency, you would be notified via this platform. 

If your child will not be attending school tomorrow, please email us to let us know and give us a reason ( 

Please see here a few reminders and some organisational information. 

*Kindergarten students start at 10am each day this Friday and every day next week. From 12 February they start school at 9:05a.m (come to school no later than 8:55a.m).

*Please bring recess and lunch only for these shorter days. 

*Crunch'n'Sip (fruit break) will begin in Week 3 (from Monday 12th February).

*Tomorrow (day one) please bring your child to school by 9:50am and wait with them. 

*Please go to the hall COLA and wait at the bottom of the stairs. 

*Find your child's name and colour class on the sheets and find their name badge.

*Assist your child to put on their name badge.

*Teachers will meet you at the Hall COLA to start at 10am.

*Teachers will walk students to their classrooms. Parents are invited to stay for tea or coffee near the Canteen Hall COLA (10:05-10:45a.m). This is a lovely opportunity to meet other parents. 

*Afternoon pick-up - please arrive around 2:50p.m and no later than 3p.m. Wait under the COLA on the bottom asphalt. Please do not block the stairs or come up onto the verandah. Your child will be sent to you from the steps that are closest to their classroom. (Like we did at orientation days).

Just a reminder to please ensure your child has their hat, lunch box with food (including crunch and sip, recess and lunch all separately labelled), a full water bottle and a spare pair of undies in their bag. 

Please help your child have an early night tonight and sprinkle their 'ready confetti' under their pillows before they go to bed. You may like to share this recorded special message and story about the Night Before Kindergarten. Click here to watch the video

We look forward to seeing you and your child for the first day of Kindergarten tomorrow. 

Mrs Zucconi, Ms Godwin, Ms Harding and Mrs Fogarty - Kinder teachers

Ms M Bridekirk- Principal

Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791

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