First day of Kinder

Congratulations to all of our Kindergarten students and to you, their families! It was a successful morning and a big milestone. It was great to see so many smiles and students already showing independence by carrying their own bags and walking into school like the big-little people they are. We hope we made you and your child feel welcome. 

I have visited each classroom and the children are very settled and having a lovely day. They have been colouring, listening to stories, singing songs, playing and drawing.  Some big brothers and sisters came to visit at recess and the children loved seeing each other. 

Please see attached information about temporary classes. 

Just a reminder to please ensure you are waiting at the bottom of the stairs by 3p.m at the latest for pick up at 3:05p.m. Teachers will dismiss students to you when they see you. 

Classes start at 10a.m for all next week. Please arrive at 9:50, pick up your child's badge and put it on and put their bag on the silver seat near their class name sign. Please watch them play under the big COLA. Try to encourage them to mingle and play rather than standing with you. Teachers will meet your child at 10a.m. Please note there is no supervision for Kinder students next week before 10a.m 

Just a reminder no crunch and sip/fruit break for next week. This will start when children come to school at regular time of 9:05 from 12th February. Please ensure your child knows which is their morning tea/recess and which is their lunch. Don't panic if children don't at all their food. They will eat if they are hungry and often want to play. We strongly suggest you do not do a food order from our canteen service for the first few weeks to allow your child to settle into the routine. 

Be sure to revisit and reread their school stories and videos before Monday again so children know they will come each day next week. 

Please rest assured the teacher will contact you if there are any issues. 

We look forward to working with you and your child. 

Kind regards

Ms M Bridekirk & The Kinder team. 

Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791

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