Kindergarten update

Congratulations to our Kindergarten students who today are completing their first full week of big school. We know it is very tiring and we are proud of how well they have done. Congratulations to parents too. It is not always easy to trust us with your child and be guided by our advice. Thank you. 

From next week (Monday 12th February) students will start classes at regular school time- 9:05a.m. Please carefully read the following messages and also inform any grandparents who may be bringing or picking up your child. 

*Playground supervision is from 8:35-9:05. Arrive no later than 8:45a.m. Children who are late often get upset. 

*From the school gate, ensure your child walks by themselves and carries their own bag. This fosters a sense of independence and pride in your child. 

*Your child should place their own bag in their class area and move to play under the big COLA. There will be all the other students playing too, so encourage your child to join in. If they are shy and wish to stand with you, play with them on the hopscotch or other playground games. Please do not pick them up and hold them as they will want that during the day and teachers are unable to do this. 

*Adults must wait to the side of the COLA so duty teachers are able to clearly supervise the area. This helps ensure the safety of all students. 

*At 9:05a.m say good bye to your child. Tell them you will be back in the afternoon and that you are proud of how grown up they are. Please then leave school grounds. 

If your child is having difficulty transitioning please hand them to the duty teacher or class teacher and leave. We have many skills in helping children settle. If we are unable to settle your child, we will call you. 

Note: class teachers are unable to meet or speak with you when the bell goes as their top priority is bringing their class in safely. If you wish to speak with your child's teacher, please email the office and make an appointment and they will contact you. Teachers are on class, have playground duty and a minimum of 3 extra meetings per week (8:30am Tuesdays, 3:10p.m Tuesdays and 3:10p.m Wednesdays) but will contact you as soon as they are able. 

*Pick up time is 3:05p.m. Please arrive no later than 3p.m. The routine will be the same as it has been this week. Children will wait at the top of the stairs and be sent to you. 

We ask that parents wait under the COLA and only come onto the verandah when they are asked to by our teachers. This is to ensure the safe arrival and departure procedures for all students. 

On Wednesday 14 February at 3:15p.m we will be holding our Meet the teacher session. Parents are invited to come and meet the class teacher and hear information about our teaching and learning program and routines. The session will be held in your child's classroom.  This session is for parents only. If you require supervision for your child/children (only students at EHPS- no toddlers or babies), please bring them to the library before the session. 

If you are unable to attend, we will send home our Kindergarten information letter. 

Please note this session is general information about Kindergarten. It is not an individual interview time about your child. Parent- teacher interviews will be held later this term, once children have settled into routines. As mentioned on day 1 we will be asking a parent to take on the role of class parent (see below). Please have a think about taking on this valuable role. 

We look forward to supporting your child's educational journey. 

Kind regards

Ms M Bridekirk & the Kinder teachers 

Epping Heights Public School
Address: 128 Kent Street Epping NSW 2121
Phone: 02 9876 2791

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