Southern Illawarra Music Festival Participation Commitment

Dear Parents/Carers,

The festival is held in October-Week 2 Term 4 at the Wollongong University Hall, with approximately twenty schools participating over several nights.  The festival is an evening performance commencing at 7.00 p.m. and concluding by 9.30 p.m.  Each school performs on only one of the nights.

Due to the ever increasing cost of providing this valuable educational experience the festival has a $12 fee to help offset the cost so we can continue providing this experience for many years to come.

In order to have access to all tracks and lyrics, all students must join the 2023 Choir Google Classroom. The class code needed to join the 2023 Choir Google Classroom is 5q4zhpm. Instructions on how to access this classroom were sent home with your child last week.

The preliminary rehearsal will occur during school hours in the last week of June: exact date TBA.

A final rehearsal will occur on show day during school hours in October: exact date TBA.

Students are required to attend these TWO rehearsals at Wollongong University Hall during school hours. Transport to and from these rehearsals will be by bus. The bus fee is $18.

After the preliminary rehearsal, choirs return to their own schools. There they revise the massed items, and learn individual items for presentation at the festival. This involves Wednesday lunch time practices. 

Schools attend a massed rehearsal day in October at the Wollongong University and return to perform that evening.  The full program is rehearsed during the day.

N.B. Parents are to arrange their child's transport to and from the Evening Performance. 

As you can see from the preceding information, this is a well organised and professionally coordinated festival.  It has proved to be a high quality educational and cultural experience for participating students, since its inception forty years ago.  It aims to develop within students, the five musical concepts, as well as performance skills, self-discipline, teamwork, co-operation, increased self-esteem, confidence, concert etiquette and stage discipline.  It will also assist in their physical, emotional, intellectual and social development, as well as enhancing a positive school tone.  Apart from the educational and cultural benefits, students will have an opportunity to mix with students from the other participating schools. 

Tickets for the evening performance are $20 per person.  Members of the choir do not pay and do not require a ticket. A note about tickets will come home in Term 3.

Students wear their full school uniform for rehearsals and performances. 

It is hoped that the above information will assist students and parents to make an informed decision regarding the commitment required in participating in this festival.  Please discuss this decision with your child.  

After you discuss the commitment with your child, please submit the TWO digital forms attached as soon as possible.  The parent consent form requires a parent's signature. The student signature form requires the participating student's signature. 

If you wish to discuss any of the above information do not hesitate to contact us at school.  

Yours sincerely,

Christine Ruscica and Tegan Hunter                                                             

Figtree Heights Public School
Address: St Georges Ave Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4228 6770

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