Tournament of Minds Confirmation of Participation and Payment

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child was one of the seven students who expressed an interest in representing our school at the Tournament of Minds this year. In addition to being available on Regional Tournament day, students will also need to be available on State Final day (if successful at Regional).  As communicated in the Expression of Interest note, the Regional Tournament this year will be held at Wollongong University on Sunday 20 August 2023. The NSW State Final will be held at UNSW on Sunday 10 September 2023. Parents will be required to transport the students to and from the tournaments and supervise them throughout the day.

As part of the process in preparing students for the challenges, I will be running skill building workshops with them once a week during enrichment time on Thursdays between 2pm and 3pm, beginning Week 6, Term 2. Once the Long Term Challenge has been released on Monday 17 July 2023 (Week 1, Term 3), the official Tournament of Minds group work begins during the same enrichment time on Thursdays between 2pm and 3pm, ending in Week 5, Term 3, three days before the Regional Tournament date. 

If you are happy for your child to be part of the team and you can commit to the above dates for the tournaments, please submit the digital form attached by Thursday 24 April. 

Kind Regards,  

Christine Ruscica

Figtree Heights Public School
Address: St Georges Ave Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4228 6770

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