SIMF reminders for TOMORROW

Please find listed below the arrangements for your choir's participation in the Southern Illawarra Music  Festival TOMORROW


  • Held at The University of Wollongong Grand Hall.
  • Full school uniform is to be worn- but NOT your best uniform. Save that for the night performance.
  • Students need to be at school by 7:15am under the old COLA to get their name marked on the roll. The bus will leave promptly at 7:25am. Anyone who is late will have to be driven to the University by their parents.
  • Students need to take morning tea, lunch and water bottle. They may bring a quiet activity to do during their break as they will remain inside eg cards, book, no electronic devices.
  • Students will return to school by 2:50pm so they will be able to catch afternoon buses home if required.


  • Held at The University of Wollongong Grand Hall. 
  • Parents transportation required. 
  • Full school uniform to be worn.
  • Hair neat and tied back from your face with small, green accessories if needed. Low hairstyle as girls need to be able to put on a hat. No large bows are permitted.
  • The Festival starts at 7:00p.m, sharp, Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Parents are to drop their child at the designated meetinq place at 6:15p.m. This location will have been communicated to your child at the day rehearsal. Please remove all children's jumpers and jackets at this time, as they will not be returning to this room following the performance. Children do not bring water bottles with them on the night.
  • The Festival will end at 9:00p.m. Please meet your child at the designated meeting place and ensure you speak to either Mrs Ruscica or Miss Hunter before taking your child home.

Figtree Heights Public School
Address: St Georges Ave Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4228 6770

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