First day of Kindergarten 2024

Good evening!

I’m sure there’s a lot of nerves and excitement about tomorrow, so I just wanted to post some information to help with our first day of kindergarten 2024.

Drop off:

* If possible, please arrive from 8:45am onwards. This will hopefully help our kindergarteners from becoming too overwhelmed. 

* Come to the small COLA, the one outside the kindergarten rooms. The teachers will be waiting to help if you’re not sure where to go.

* You can hang their bags up outside their rooms, however, please come back down into the COLA afterwards. They’ll have their name next to their bag hook, and there are posters up to help.

Bell time (8:55am)

* Time for final hugs and goodbyes.

* Teachers and Year 6 buddies will walk the kindergarteners up the stairs to their rooms.

Pick up (2:30pm) 

* Please wait in the small COLA and teachers will bring the students down with their bags.

We’re so excited to be starting this journey and can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!

Miss Hunter and Miss Petkovska

Figtree Heights Public School
Address: St Georges Ave Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4228 6770

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