Education Week - Term 3

Education Week 2024 

This year's theme for Education Week is ‘Proud to Belong’ and we will be celebrating this over two days in Term 3 in Week 3.  

Week 3 - Wednesday 7 August

Our first day to celebrate will be on Wednesday 7 August. You are invited to join us at 1:00pm to our Open Classrooms. This is where you will be able to play games, read stories and look at all of your child’s favourite pieces of work. Siblings are able to go between classrooms with their parents or carers. 

Mrs Cameron will also have an art gallery in her creative arts room, next to the library, for you to have a look at. Our students have made some lovely artwork for the display!

If you have the time, please stay and play with your child at recess time.

Week 3 - Friday 9 August

On Friday 9 August, we will have our Proud to Belong mufti day! Wear an outfit that makes you feel proud to belong. This could be your school uniform, cultural outfit, local soccer club uniform or dance jumper. Closed shoes must be worn on the day and all outfits need to be sun safe. 

This is not a gold coin donation event. 

We are looking forward to seeing you all very soon! 

Miss Petkovska and Miss Hunter 

Figtree Heights Public School
Address: St Georges Ave Figtree NSW 2525
Phone: 02 4228 6770

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