Olympic Games Opening Ceremony School Celebration

Dear UPS Families,

To celebrate the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics, students in K-6 will participate in an Olympic Fun Day at school on Friday 26th July. 

Students are asked to come dressed to school in mufti, in colours that represent a country of their choice or a national sporting jersey. Students are also encouraged to bring in a flag for the country they are representing.  

On the day we will hold an opening ceremony and students will participate in a range of fun sports games and activities. 

The Opening Ceremony will be held in the morning and will not impact on PSSA.

We are looking forward to a fun filled day!

UPS Staff

Undercliffe Public School
Address: 143-157 Bayview Ave Earlwood NSW 2206
Phone: 02 9558 3432
Email: undercliff-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: undercliff-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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