School Organisation

Dear UPS Families,

We strive to do our very best to fit in with everybody's preferences and schedules, however there are times where it is not possible. 

Careful thought goes into activities planned by staff and the executive and we need to consider what is best for the students and their learning.The Morning routine is an integral part of a  good start to the day. 

Uninterrupted Literacy and Numeracy blocks in the morning and middle sessions need to meet the needs of the students and the New Curriculum Reform. The new curriculum ensures that every student develops strong foundations for learning, life and work.

This reform has been informed by extensive consultation with teachers and education experts, and is underpinned by extensive research. Curriculum Reform involves change that spans many aspects of schooling, including teaching, learning, assessment and reporting to parents.

Unfortunately at this point in time some activities have to be scheduled in the afternoon.  We appreciate your support .

Mrs Missiris  and staff



Undercliffe Public School
Address: 143-157 Bayview Ave Earlwood NSW 2206
Phone: 02 9558 3432

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