ICAS Competition 2024

Dear Parents, 

Please see attached information about ICAS 2024. 

ICAS is an optional competition for students in Years 2-6 and will be run at school on the allocated days at 8:30am.

A reminder that payments must be made directly to ICAS through the ICAS Parent Portal (see attached note) and permission granted through School Bytes before Friday 26th July. 

If you have any questions about ICAS, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Tsirakidis.  

Undercliffe Public School
Address: 143-157 Bayview Ave Earlwood NSW 2206
Phone: 02 9558 3432
Email: undercliff-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: undercliff-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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