Public Education Week- 5-9 August 2024

Dear UPS Families,

This year’s theme is: Proud to belong. Public Education Week is a time for all of us to feel “proud to belong”, sharing our pride in being part of NSW public education and the achievements of our students and staff.

The students school leaders would like to share their message on the theme- "Proud to belong"

My name is Scarlett and I’m your prefect for 2024. Proud to belong to me means having a supportive community where everyone respects each other by using kind words and positive actions.
I am proud to represent Undercliffe as one of the leaders as it gives me a sense of belonging and acceptance. We try to make sure all students are okay and included at our school, so that they also feel welcomed.

My name is Leila and I am your school captain 2024. Being proud to belong means feeling safe, supported and accepted. This can extend to feeling pride in your school, home and your local community. 

My name is Ezekiel and I am the vice-captain. Proud to belong means a lot to me because people all around the world feel they just can’t fit in. The right to be proud to belong is crucial to our personal well-being.
As a leader of this school I strongly believe that UPS has established a positive school community where everyone feels they belong.
At UPS, we all feel that we fit in no matter who we are or where we come from.

 I’m Maya Krueger, one of the school captains for 2024! I’m writing to explain what Proud to Belong (this year’s education week theme) , means to me as a school captain. Proud to belong to me feels like I have a role in our Undercliffe community that helps people out with whatever problems they have and makes sure THEY belong as well as me. Ever since I first came to UPS I have always felt a sense of belonging. My teachers, classmates and friends all made me feel like this. I think everyone should feel like this, so as a school leader I feel as though it is a part of my responsibility to make sure everyone feels as though they belong at Undercliffe. For an example, being at the Anzac Day Dawn Service made me very proud to be representing our school, this gave me a huge sense of belonging. In conclusion, Proud to Belong means that I feel like I belong in our community and all the students in our community have a sense of belonging too! 

 I would also like to begin by saying  welcome back to Term 3 and I’m very proud of the initiatives we have held so far this year and I am very excited to continue with the new events and activities we will be hosting in the future! I’m also very pleased with the turnout of our UPS Olympic Games Opening Ceremony Celebration we held last Friday! It was  so great to see all the students working together with all of the sport activities collaboratively and enjoying the rotations as well. We saw so many people displaying our Olympic values like: excellence and respect. Another reminder the K-2 disco will be on Friday 16th August , 5pm-6pm and the 3-6 disco will be held on Friday 30th August, 5.30pm-7pm! I am so grateful to be working with Mrs Missiris and the leadership team and I’m very excited to continue adding more things to make this amazing school an even more amazing place!

 Thank you!

Undercliffe Public School
Address: 143-157 Bayview Ave Earlwood NSW 2206
Phone: 02 9558 3432

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