Student leader message

Dear UPS Families,

It is essential that we celebrate Public Education Week because we are extremely lucky to have public education. In many countries public education does not exist or is very low quality education. It is essential that we see how lucky we are to have access to all the resources that UPS provides. Public education Week is a week for us to appreciate the resources and opportunities that we are given. It is crystal clear how fortunate we are to have the resources we have moreover we should not take this for granted.

“Bullying no way”-  Is an initiative that out school has in put in place so our school is a safe and respectful environment for everyone. It is essential that in every healthy school community, bullying is absolutely unacceptable. UPS has done amazingly well in the “bullying no way” initiative to create the wonderful, happy and safe school atmosphere we have today.

The “bullying no way” initiative is an initiative that the Department of Education has put in place so that school communities can make sure no one is bullied creating a safe environment for everyone.

Thank you

Ezekiel- vice captain

Undercliffe Public School
Address: 143-157 Bayview Ave Earlwood NSW 2206
Phone: 02 9558 3432

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