Festival of instrumental music.

Dear parents and carers,

On Tuesday 13 June the string and recorder festival group will be performing at the Opera House.

Students need to come to school at the normal start time dressed in their black concert clothes and concert T-shirt. If your child was at camp and has not received their shirt yet, they may wear another T-shirt and either put the concert shirt on top (if they get cold- there will be no jumpers allowed to be worn on stage at the Opera House) or just change at school before the bus collects us at around 10am and takes us to the Opera House. Please ensure students bring just their instruments, a jacket, a water bottle, a snack and some lunch in a disposable bag as security regarding bags at the opera house is strict. 

Please carefully reread the note so that you are aware of our meeting point and times for the pickup and drop off. 

We are really looking forward to performing for you!!!


Mrs Krestovsky

Mortlake Public School
Address: Brays Road Concord NSW 2137
Phone: 02 9743 3001
Email: mortlake-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Web: mortlake-p.schools.nsw.gov.au

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