Pyjama Day and Movie Day - 19 September

Dear parents and carers,

On Tuesday, 19 September, the SRC are hosting a Pyjama Day at school! 

Students are asked to wear their pyjamas and bring in a gold coin donation to raise money for the Pyjama Foundation. This foundation helps provide educational support for children living in foster care. For sun protection and safety, please wear pyjamas that cover your shoulders and wear sneakers or other comfortable shoes (not slippers). 

As a reward for our Positive Behaviour 4 Learning throughout the term, we will also watch a movie on the day. The SRC will sell popcorn bags on Tuesday for $0.50 to enjoy while watching the movie. 

The movies will all be G-rated in line with Department of Education Audiovisual Materials in Schools procedures and policy as material/movies classified G are classified for general viewing. Please email the school if you do not wish your child to participate in this reward day 

Kind regards,

Leanne McEvoy                                                         Olivia Karikios

R/Principal                                                                 SRC Co-ordinator

Mortlake Public School
Address: Brays Road Concord NSW 2137
Phone: 02 9743 3001

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